EtherCAT ESI Data for LinuxCNC

Beckhoff EL7211-0010

EL7211-0010 1Ch. MDP742 Servo motor output stage with OCT (50V, 4.5A RMS)
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG

Revisions and PDOs

The ESI data ingested by describes 10 revision(s) of this hardware. Here are the known revisions and their differences.

This also includes the send and receive PDOs defined for each revision, and a link to other known devices with identical PDOs.

EL7211-0010 1Ch. MDP742 Servo motor output stage with OCT (50V, 4.5A RMS)
Revision Code
Equivalant Devices
EL7201-0010 r22
EL7201-0010 r23
EJ7211-0010 r26
EJ7211-0010 r27
EJ7211-0010 r28
EJ7211-0010 r29
EL7201-0010 r24
EL7201-0010 r25
EL7201-0010 r26
EL7201-0010 r27
EL7201-0010 r28
EL7201-0010 r29
EL7201-9014 r26
EL7201-9014 r27
EL7201-9014 r28
EL7201-9014 r29
EL7211-9014 r26
EL7211-9014 r27
EL7211-9014 r28
EL7211-9014 r29
EL7221-9014 r28
EL7221-9014 r29
EP7211-0034 r29
EJ7211-0010 r30
EJ7211-0010 r31
EL7201-0010 r30
EL7201-0010 r31
EL7201-9014 r30
EL7201-9014 r31
EL7211-9014 r30
EL7211-9014 r31
EL7221-9014 r30
EL7221-9014 r31
EP7211-0034 r30
EP7211-0034 r31
EJ7211-0010 r32
EL7201-0010 r32
EL7201-9014 r32
EL7211-9014 r32
EL7221-9014 r32
EP7211-0034 r32
0x1a00: FB Position
  0x6000:11  Position                        UDINT (32 bits)
0x1a01: DRV Statusword
  0x6010:01  Statusword                      UINT (16 bits)
0x1a02: DRV Velocity actual value
  0x6010:07  Velocity actual value           DINT (32 bits)
0x1a03: DRV Torque actual value
  0x6010:08  Torque actual value             INT (16 bits)
0x1a04: DRV Info data 1
  0x6010:12  Info data 1                     UINT (16 bits)
0x1a05: DRV Info data 2
  0x6010:13  Info data 2                     UINT (16 bits)
0x1a06: DRV Following error actual value
  0x6010:06  Following error actual value    DINT (32 bits)
0x1a07: FB Touch probe status
  0x6001:01  Touch probe status__TP1 Enable  BOOL
  0x6001:02  Touch probe status__TP1 Pos value stored  BOOL
  0x6001:03  Touch probe status__TP1 Neg value stored  BOOL
  0x6001:08  Touch probe status__TP1 Input   BOOL
  0x6001:09  Touch probe status__TP2 Enable  BOOL
  0x6001:0a  Touch probe status__TP2 Pos value stored  BOOL
  0x6001:0b  Touch probe status__TP2 Neg value stored  BOOL
  0x6001:10  Touch probe status__TP2 Input   BOOL
0x1a08: FB Touch probe 1 pos position
  0x6001:11  TP1 Pos position                UDINT (32 bits)
0x1a09: FB Touch probe 1 neg position
  0x6001:12  TP1 Neg position                UDINT (32 bits)
0x1a0a: FB Touch probe 2 pos position
  0x6001:13  TP2 Pos position                UDINT (32 bits)
0x1a0b: FB Touch probe 2 neg position
  0x6001:14  TP2 Neg position                UDINT (32 bits)
0x1a0c: FB Status
  0x6000:0e  Status__TxPDO State             BOOL
  0x6000:0f  Status__Input Cycle Counter     BIT2 (2 bits)
0x1a0e: DRV Modes of operation display
  0x6010:03  Modes of operation display      USINT (8 bits)
0x1a30: DMC Inputs
  0x6030:02  DMC__FeedbackStatus__Latch extern valid  BOOL
  0x6030:03  DMC__FeedbackStatus__Set counter done  BOOL
  0x6030:0d  DMC__FeedbackStatus__Status of extern latch  BOOL
  0x6030:11  DMC__DriveStatus__Ready to enable  BOOL
  0x6030:12  DMC__DriveStatus__Ready         BOOL
  0x6030:13  DMC__DriveStatus__Warning       BOOL
  0x6030:14  DMC__DriveStatus__Error         BOOL
  0x6030:15  DMC__DriveStatus__Moving positive  BOOL
  0x6030:16  DMC__DriveStatus__Moving negative  BOOL
  0x6030:1c  DMC__DriveStatus__Digital input 1  BOOL
  0x6030:1d  DMC__DriveStatus__Digital input 2  BOOL
  0x6030:21  DMC__PositioningStatus__Busy    BOOL
  0x6030:22  DMC__PositioningStatus__In-Target  BOOL
  0x6030:23  DMC__PositioningStatus__Warning  BOOL
  0x6030:24  DMC__PositioningStatus__Error   BOOL
  0x6030:25  DMC__PositioningStatus__Calibrated  BOOL
  0x6030:26  DMC__PositioningStatus__Accelerate  BOOL
  0x6030:27  DMC__PositioningStatus__Decelerate  BOOL
  0x6030:28  DMC__PositioningStatus__Ready to execute  BOOL
  0x6030:31  DMC__Set position               LINT (64 bits)
  0x6030:32  DMC__Set velocity               INT (16 bits)
  0x6030:33  DMC__Actual drive time          UDINT (32 bits)
  0x6030:34  DMC__Actual position lag        LINT (64 bits)
  0x6030:35  DMC__Actual velocity            INT (16 bits)
  0x6030:36  DMC__Actual position            LINT (64 bits)
  0x6030:37  DMC__Error id                   UDINT (32 bits)
  0x6030:38  DMC__Input cycle counter        USINT (8 bits)
  0x6030:3a  DMC__Latch value                LINT (64 bits)
  0x6030:3b  DMC__Cyclic info data 1         INT (16 bits)
  0x6030:3c  DMC__Cyclic info data 2         INT (16 bits)
0x1a31: DMC Inputs 32 Bit
  0x6030:02  DMC__FeedbackStatus__Latch extern valid  BOOL
  0x6030:03  DMC__FeedbackStatus__Set counter done  BOOL
  0x6030:0d  DMC__FeedbackStatus__Status of extern latch  BOOL
  0x6030:11  DMC__DriveStatus__Ready to enable  BOOL
  0x6030:12  DMC__DriveStatus__Ready         BOOL
  0x6030:13  DMC__DriveStatus__Warning       BOOL
  0x6030:14  DMC__DriveStatus__Error         BOOL
  0x6030:15  DMC__DriveStatus__Moving positive  BOOL
  0x6030:16  DMC__DriveStatus__Moving negative  BOOL
  0x6030:1c  DMC__DriveStatus__Digital input 1  BOOL
  0x6030:1d  DMC__DriveStatus__Digital input 2  BOOL
  0x6030:21  DMC__PositioningStatus__Busy    BOOL
  0x6030:22  DMC__PositioningStatus__In-Target  BOOL
  0x6030:23  DMC__PositioningStatus__Warning  BOOL
  0x6030:24  DMC__PositioningStatus__Error   BOOL
  0x6030:25  DMC__PositioningStatus__Calibrated  BOOL
  0x6030:26  DMC__PositioningStatus__Accelerate  BOOL
  0x6030:27  DMC__PositioningStatus__Decelerate  BOOL
  0x6030:28  DMC__PositioningStatus__Ready to execute  BOOL
  0x6030:31  DMC__Set position               DINT (32 bits)
  0x6030:32  DMC__Set velocity               INT (16 bits)
  0x6030:33  DMC__Actual drive time          UDINT (32 bits)
  0x6030:34  DMC__Actual position lag        DINT (32 bits)
  0x6030:35  DMC__Actual velocity            INT (16 bits)
  0x6030:36  DMC__Actual position            DINT (32 bits)
  0x6030:37  DMC__Error id                   UDINT (32 bits)
  0x6030:38  DMC__Input cycle counter        USINT (8 bits)
  0x6030:3a  DMC__Latch value                DINT (32 bits)
  0x6030:3b  DMC__Cyclic info data 1         INT (16 bits)
  0x6030:3c  DMC__Cyclic info data 2         INT (16 bits)
0x1600: DRV Controlword
  0x7010:01  Controlword                     UINT (16 bits)
0x1601: DRV Target velocity
  0x7010:06  Target velocity                 DINT (32 bits)
0x1602: DRV Target torque
  0x7010:09  Target torque                   INT (16 bits)
0x1603: DRV Commutation angle
  0x7010:0e  Commutation angle               UINT (16 bits)
0x1604: DRV Torque limitation
  0x7010:0b  Torque limitation               UINT (16 bits)
0x1605: DRV Torque offset
  0x7010:0a  Torque offset                   INT (16 bits)
0x1606: DRV Target position
  0x7010:05  Target position                 UDINT (32 bits)
0x1607: FB Touch probe control
  0x7001:01  Touch probe function__TP1 Enable  BOOL
  0x7001:02  Touch probe function__TP1 Continous  BOOL
  0x7001:03  Touch probe function__TP1 Trigger mode  BIT2 (2 bits)
  0x7001:05  Touch probe function__TP1 Enable pos edge  BOOL
  0x7001:06  Touch probe function__TP1 Enable neg edge  BOOL
  0x7001:09  Touch probe function__TP2 Enable  BOOL
  0x7001:0a  Touch probe function__TP2 Continous  BOOL
  0x7001:0b  Touch probe function__TP2 Trigger mode  BIT2 (2 bits)
  0x7001:0d  Touch probe function__TP2 Enable pos edge  BOOL
  0x7001:0e  Touch probe function__TP2 Enable neg edge  BOOL
0x1608: DRV Modes of operation
  0x7010:03  Modes of operation              USINT (8 bits)
0x1630: DMC Outputs
  0x7030:02  DMC__FeedbackControl__Enable latch extern on positive edge  BOOL
  0x7030:03  DMC__FeedbackControl__Set counter  BOOL
  0x7030:04  DMC__FeedbackControl__Enable latch extern on negative edge  BOOL
  0x7030:11  DMC__DriveControl__Enable       BOOL
  0x7030:12  DMC__DriveControl__Reset        BOOL
  0x7030:21  DMC__PositioningControl__Execute  BOOL
  0x7030:22  DMC__PositioningControl__Emergency stop  BOOL
  0x7030:31  DMC__Set counter value          LINT (64 bits)
  0x7030:32  DMC__Target position            LINT (64 bits)
  0x7030:33  DMC__Target velocity            INT (16 bits)
  0x7030:34  DMC__Start type                 UINT (16 bits)
  0x7030:35  DMC__Target acceleration        UINT (16 bits)
  0x7030:36  DMC__Target deceleration        UINT (16 bits)
0x1631: DMC Outputs 32 Bit
  0x7030:02  DMC__FeedbackControl__Enable latch extern on positive edge  BOOL
  0x7030:03  DMC__FeedbackControl__Set counter  BOOL
  0x7030:04  DMC__FeedbackControl__Enable latch extern on negative edge  BOOL
  0x7030:11  DMC__DriveControl__Enable       BOOL
  0x7030:12  DMC__DriveControl__Reset        BOOL
  0x7030:21  DMC__PositioningControl__Execute  BOOL
  0x7030:22  DMC__PositioningControl__Emergency stop  BOOL
  0x7030:31  DMC__Set counter value          DINT (32 bits)
  0x7030:32  DMC__Target position            DINT (32 bits)
  0x7030:33  DMC__Target velocity            INT (16 bits)
  0x7030:34  DMC__Start type                 UINT (16 bits)
  0x7030:35  DMC__Target acceleration        UINT (16 bits)
  0x7030:36  DMC__Target deceleration        UINT (16 bits)