
PDOs and Syncs

Disclaimer: I’m still somewhat new to EtherCAT, so I may be mis-understanding something here. There may be a performance impact of some of these changes that I’m not aware of, but from a correctness standpoint I’m fairly confident that this is accurate.

If you look through the drivers in the LinuxCNC-Ethercat codebase and how they handle PDOs, then you’ll notice that different drivers have 3 different ways of doing the same basic operation: registering which CoE objects need to be set up as PDO entries. Some devices devote almost no code to managing this, while others have multiple screenfuls of PDO setup. Why do they differ? And what is the advantage of any particular approach?

Hopefully, this should explain the current state of things.

To make these examples a bit more concrete, let’s assume that we have a device where we want to read an 8-bit value from objects 0x6000:01 and 0x6010:01 at runtime.

Style 1: just use lcec_pdo_init()

In this case, the code just calls lcec_pdo_init() to register our interest in the PDO, and we’re done. It looks something like this:

int foo_init(int id, struct lcec_slave *s) {
  lcec_pdo_init(slave, 0x6000, 0x01, &hal_data->channel1_os, NULL);
  lcec_pdo_init(slave, 0x6010, 0x01, &hal_data->channel2_os, NULL);

Specifically, we don’t bother creating any sync objects or setting slave->sync_info.

If this style works for your use, then use this style. It’s the least complicated, and for most devices it’ll Just Work. I’ll explain why in a minute.

Style 2: manually create syncs using ec_sync_info_t, and then use LCEC_PDO_INIT()

The second case is a superset of style #1, but it adds a manually-created sync object. It looks like this:

static ec_pdo_entry_info_t foo_out1[] = {
  // not part of this example

static ec_pdo_entry_info_t foo_in1[] = {
    {0x6000, 0x01, 8},  // Channel 1
    {0x6010, 0x01, 8},  // Channel 2

static ec_pdo_info_t foo_pdos_out[] = {
    {0x1600, 0, foo_out1},

static ec_pdo_info_t foo_pdos_in[] = {
    {0x1a00, 2, foo_in1},

static ec_sync_info_t foo_syncs[] = {
    {0, EC_DIR_OUTPUT, 0, NULL},
    {1, EC_DIR_INPUT, 0, NULL},
    {2, EC_DIR_OUTPUT, 1, foo_pdos_out},
    {3, EC_DIR_INPUT, 1, foo_pdos_in},

int foo_init(int id, struct lcec_slave *s) {
  lcec_pdo_init(slave, 0x6000, 0x01, &hal_data->channel1_os, NULL);
  lcec_pdo_init(slave, 0x6010, 0x01, &hal_data->channel2_os, NULL);
  s->sync_info = foo_syncs;

There are a lot of drivers like this in the LCEC tree. This isn’t actually needed for many devices, and just makes the driver larger and more complicated.

The point of setting sync_info is that it changes the device’s built-in PDO map, changing which entries are available to be synced automatically to the master. Most devices have a default PDO setup, and for basic devices it almost always contains all of the objects that we care about. In these cases, there’s no point in manually setting PDOs. It just complicates the driver for no real gain.

For any given device, you can check its default PDO mappings via ethercat pdos, but you may need to power-cycle the device to see what the defaults were before we overwrote them. Or you can look at, which has the default maps for nearly all devices that we support.

If the default PDOs cover everything that you need without too much extra data, then you probably don’t want to bother with creating syncs. If you’re modifying an existing driver, try commenting out the sync_info=... line, power-cycle your Ethercat devices, and see if it still works.

Failure is pretty obvious – LCEC will fail at startup with an error about being unable to map a PDO entry.

If you need to change PDO mappings, then feel free to use this style, but don’t just cargo-cult it blindly.

Style 3: create syncs using lcec_syncs_init(), and then use LCEC_PDO_INIT()

The third style is similar to the second, but uses a wrapper library to actually populate the sync structures:

int foo_init(int id, struct lcec_slave *s) {
  lcec_pdo_init(slave, 0x6000, 0x01, &hal_data->channel1_os, NULL);
  lcec_pdo_init(slave, 0x6010, 0x01, &hal_data->channel2_os, NULL);
  lcec_syncs_add_sync(&hal_data->syncs, EC_DIR_OUTPUT, EC_WD_DEFAULT);
  lcec_syncs_add_sync(&hal_data->syncs, EC_DIR_INPUT, EC_WD_DEFAULT);
  // Output, to match the example above.
  lcec_syncs_add_sync(&hal_data->syncs, EC_DIR_OUTPUT, EC_WD_DEFAULT);
  lcec_syncs_add_pdo_info(&hal_data->syncs, 0x1600);

  // Input
  lcec_syncs_add_sync(&hal_data->syncs, EC_DIR_INPUT, EC_WD_DEFAULT);
  lcec_syncs_add_pdo_info(&hal_data->syncs, 0x1a00);
  lcec_syncs_add_pdo_entry(&hal_data->syncs, 0x6000, 0x01, 8); // Channel 1
  lcec_syncs_add_pdo_entry(&hal_data->syncs, 0x6010, 0x01, 8); // Channel 2

  s->sync_info = &hal_data->syncs.syncs[0];

There are three advantages to this style:

If you were trying to set up mappings for devices with variable numbers of channels in a single driver, and the default mapping didn’t cover the objects that you wanted, then you’d want to use this style, because it makes it easy to add additional entries in a loop. Under the hood, it ends up creating the same structs as style #2.

This style is also used in lcec_class_cia402, because (a) CiA 402 defines a huge number of PDOs (b) which PDOs are mapped is kind of random from device to device, and (c) we can’t just map everything because it’ll fail at the first attempt to map an object that doesn’t exist on this specific device. So we need to manually handle mappings, and there are a lot of conditionals to control which objects get mapped.

In addition to all of this, this style has an extra feature that can be useful in very dynamic environments (like CiA 402 devices) – lcec_syncs_enable_autoflow() can tell LinuxCNC how many PDOs a device supports, and how many PDO entries each PDO supports, and it will then automatically start a new PDO when needed because the current PDO has run out of free entries. This lets us use the same basic code on devices that allow dozens of PDO entries per PDO, as well as devices like the Omron MX2 which only allow 2 PDO entries per PDO. By using autoflow, we can transparently map a handful of PDO entries into a many PDOs as required without needing to modify any higher-level code.


If we don’t explicitly set sync_info, then the Etherlab EtherCAT master library that we use will simply sync all of the PDOs listed in the device’s default sync mappings. If the device’s default sync setup lists 50 objects in its PDO config and we only want 1, then we’re going to end up doing extra work and slowing things down slightly. In this case, we might want to set PDOs ourselves anyway. However, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a device that fits this; if anything, most seem to sync too few fields, not too many.

Does it matter if we sync too much data? IMO, not usually, within reason. Adding one extra byte to an existing frame traveling over 100 Mbps Ethernet takes an extra (8 bits / 100 Mbits/second) = 80ns. Modern CPUs will probably only take a cycle or two extra, if even that, depending on alignment and what else is being copied at the same time. So a few extra bytes probably don’t matter at all. Even a hundred extra bytes would probably not make a difference in the vast majority of cases in systems with a 1ms cycle time. But, there’s no reason to be overtly wasteful here.


If the device’s default PDO mapping contains everything that we need and not too much else, then just use it. Don’t set sync_info, don’t define our own syncs, just keep things simple. If the code tries to access something that isn’t mapped, then it’ll fail fast with a mostly-readable error.

If the driver needs something that isn’t part of the default PDO mapping, or we need to pare down the number of mapped entries for some reason, then prefer the third style. It’s less work overall and harder to get wrong.

There’s nothing wrong with the second style, but it’s probably best avoided in new code.