EtherCAT ESI Data for LinuxCNC

Control Digitax HD M750 Open Loop

Digitax HD M750 Open Loop
Digitax HD M750 Open Loop
Control Techniques

Revisions and PDOs

The ESI data ingested by describes 1 revision(s) of this hardware. Here are the known revisions and their differences.

This also includes the send and receive PDOs defined for each revision, and a link to other known devices with identical PDOs.

Digitax HD M750 Open Loop
Revision Code
Equivalant Devices
Digitax HD M751 Open Loop r512
Digitax HD M753 Mode Agnostic r512
Digitax HD M753 Open Loop r512
Unidrive HS70 Open Loop r512
Unidrive HS71 Open Loop r512
Unidrive HS72 Open Loop r512
Unidrive M600 Open Loop r512
Unidrive M700 Mode Agnostic r512
Unidrive M700 Open Loop r512
Unidrive M701 Open Loop r512
Unidrive M702 Open Loop r512
Unidrive M880 Open Loop r512
Unidrive M881 Open Loop r512
Unidrive M882 Open Loop r512
Unidrive M888 Open Loop r512
Unidrive M889 Open Loop r512
0x1a00: Transmit PDO Mapping 1
  0x6041:00  Status word                     UINT (16 bits)
0x1a01: Transmit PDO Mapping 2
  0x6041:00  Status word                     UINT (16 bits)
  0x6061:00  Modes of operation display      SINT (8 bits)
0x1a02: Transmit PDO Mapping 3
  0x6041:00  Status word                     UINT (16 bits)
  0x6064:00  Position actual value           DINT (32 bits)
0x1a04: Transmit PDO Mapping 5
  0x6041:00  Status word                     UINT (16 bits)
  0x6077:00  Torque actual value             INT (16 bits)
0x1a05: Transmit PDO Mapping 6
  0x6041:00  Status word                     UINT (16 bits)
  0x6044:00  vl velocity actual value        INT (16 bits)
0x1600: Receive PDO Mapping 1
  0x6040:00  Control word                    UINT (16 bits)
0x1601: Receive PDO Mapping 2
  0x6040:00  Control word                    UINT (16 bits)
  0x6060:00  Modes of operation              SINT (8 bits)
0x1602: Receive PDO Mapping 3
  0x6040:00  Control word                    UINT (16 bits)
  0x607a:00  Target position                 DINT (32 bits)
0x1604: Receive PDO Mapping 5
  0x6040:00  Control word                    UINT (16 bits)
  0x6071:00  Target torque                   INT (16 bits)
0x1605: Receive PDO Mapping 6
  0x6040:00  Control word                    UINT (16 bits)
  0x6042:00  vl target velocity              INT (16 bits)